“When, lo, there came about them all a great brightness and they beheld the chariot wherein He stood ascend to heaven. And they beheld Him in the chariot, clothed upon in the glory of the brightness, having raiment as of the sun, fair as the moon and terrible that for awe they durst not look upon Him. And there came a voice out of heaven, calling: Elijah! Elijah! And he answered with a main cry: Abba! Adonai! And they beheld Him even Him, ben Bloom Elijah, amid clouds of angels ascend to the glory of the brightness at an angle of fortyfive degrees over Donohoe’s in Little Green street like a shot off a shovel.”

(Illustration is a redux version of my BLOOMSDAY 2012 drawing)


(Annually on August 13th)

“The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition. This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, in order that others may use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.”
—The license for Jenny Everywhere

I also created a copyleft logo for JE that is available in PNG, EPS, PSD and AI file formats :))) CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ZIP FILE

Jenny Everywhere (TV TROPES)
Jenny Everywhere (WIKIPEDIA)
Jenny Everywhere (PDSH)
The Shifter Archive Project


I find the series of TRIALOGUES conducted between Terence McKennaRupert Sheldrake, and Ralph Abraham endlessly fascinating. I have listened with inflamed imagination to their discussions ad infinitum, finding them thus far inexhaustibly thought provoking.

For the most complete collection (42+ hours) of their discussions I refer you to Rupert Sheldrake’s Trialogues Archive.

Though before I try to sell you on the deep cuts, let’s parade out the hits:



As perhaps one of the world’s biggest fans of this material, I dreamed the dream of getting to actively participate in the discussion, and in my own silly way, via e-mail, got to do just that.

from: Bobby Campbell weirdoverse@gmail.com
to: Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake
date: Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 1:47 PM
subject: Hello again, Ralph & Rupert!

Dear Sirs,

In regards to Morphic Resonance, and if I’m to understand Einstein
correctly that forces result from geometry, might the force that
results from the peculiar geometry of the subatomic void/plenum
provide the impetus for form et al?

with great regard,

bob campbell


from: Ralph Abraham
to: Bobby Campbell
date: Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 6:39 PM
subject: Re: Hello again, Ralph & Rupert!

that certainly seems reasonable … however,
in the usual models for the quantum vacuum,
there is no intrinsic geometry
rather, geometry emerges from the plenum

eg, see this (if you have not already)

thanks for writing


from: Rupert Sheldrake
to: Bobby Campbell
date: Tue, Feb 5, 2008 at 7:26 PM
subject: Re: Hello again, Ralph & Rupert!

Dear Bob,

I don’t know if I understand Einstein correctly so I can’t judge if you do. But I think if there were some simple answer like this that arose from the physics we’d probably know about it by now.

Best wishes


Classic Sheldrake!

I’d like to note that Ralph’s link sent me down a particularly luminescent rabbit hole, the fruits of which went straight into my weirdo comic series “AGNOSIS!

Oh! and check out: The World Wide Web and the Millennium
A talk by Terence McKenna & Ralph Abraham from August 1, 1998 which somehow remains more relevant and insightful about the internet than most contemporary media theory.


A single Q&A with Scott McCloud from a Reddit AMA

bc: Hi Scott!
I must say I find it very noble that you don’t run around the comics industry throwing copies of Reinventing Comics at people yelling “I told you so! I told you so!” Though I know you’re skeptical about your own prescience, and haven’t seemed to have embraced digital distribution very much for your own comics. How do you see the concept of Reinventing Comics 15 years later? Also, maybe enjoy this ridiculousness! A comic I made and gave to you about 10 years ago, when you were at a store signing in Delaware, during a snow storm: MUTATING COMIX

Scott McCloud: (Great op art image there! Thanks. :)
There are plenty of things that I didn’t anticipate in Reinventing Comics like the importance of crowdfunding. And some of the rosy predictions that I made, which might’ve seemed prescient in 2010, could look sadly premature by 2020 if basic safeguards like Net Neutrality are murdered in the crib.
We’re really making some great progress in other areas though. Diversity of genre, gender balance, institutional support, public perception, the literary and artistic successes of the last 15 years… Those different revolutions that I wrote about are almost all on track!

BONUS! Back in 2021, I tried to google a phrase and the only result was from me 12 years ago talking w/ Scott McCloud, of which I have zero memory :)))


A single Q&A with Kevin Smith from a Reddit AMA

Q: I had a really awesome time at the Red State premier at Radio City Music Hall! So much so that I drew this when I got home. Wd love to go to an event like that again!

A: Nicely done, sir.

Next SModcast Pictures Presents tour is with the Slamdance winning flick BINDLESTIFFS – which is about three high school kids who go ape-shit when CATCHER IN THE RYE is banned in their school.


Easily one of the funniest flicks I’ve ever seen.

Next year, SModcast Pictures will do another RED STATE USA-type tour with our first animated feature, JAY & SILENT BOB’S SUPER GROOVY CARTOON MOVIE. We’ll show the flick then Q&A after, all of which we’ll eventually podcast. We learned a lot touring RED STATE, so we wanna put it to use on BINDLESTIFFS and the cartoon JAY & SILENT BOB flick.

Digital Prophets

“These people, Joyce, to some degree Pound, McLuhan, they were the prophets of the world in which we now stand, the world of integrated interactive media, extraordinary data retrieval that erases the 17th century notion of the unconscious. Nothing is now unconscious if your data search commands are powerful enough.”
Terence McKenna in Riding Range w/ Marshall McLuhan